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Last Post 02/21/2012 10:45 AM by  sharon longshaw
 13 Replies
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01/25/2012 8:07 PM

    What virtues associated with God-Power have you discerned in your reflection and contemplation since the first class on January 25th? What aspects of God-power do you bring forth consciously in your life and how do you do this? What artistic forms call forth specific virtues of God-power for you: a song, a part of nature, a creative activity? Do you have any useful resources or teachings to share?

    01/29/2012 4:26 AM

    Although English is not my native tonque, I will do my best to express my toughts and feelings as best as possible.
    In exploring the Virtues I perceive the enlightened Will as one of the virtues associated with the quality of God-Power or God-Strenght.
    Will or Will power I consider to be more of a quality.
    The enligthened Will, the will in contact with and enlightened by the I AM that I AM, I consider to be a virtue.
    This virtue is attuned to serve life in all levels, it is subservient. (Is this the right word?)
    Within the Eternal Now the I AM but also the Whole can be felt and all that is in it. And within the Whole the enlightened will can attune to the Need of the Hour, to all that is required in the given moment. It is able to attune to what people essentially might need, what spiritual attitude is needed, courses to take, what to give in the present moment — for the growth and well being of all.
    In a small but also grand scale it steers the course and sets the sail in an enligthened way.
    So I believe this virtue nurtures life profoundly and at the same time it gives God-direction as well.
    I myself make contact with it discribed as above and by listening and sensitizing myself to it.
    Then I take time for things to unfold.

    The Virtues (as an angelic choir) I experience as a great propelling force.


    01/29/2012 8:45 AM
    Thank you for this beautiful insight. Your English is superb! You have captured so superbly a thought that I was also attempting to materialize in terms of identifying how certain aspects of God-power work in conjunction with other virtues. Your enlightened will steers the course toward meeting the Need of the Hour, which might be mercy or persistence or tolerance. So it is like a continual undercurrent that constantly keeping us attuned. This is wonderful and thank you so much for your contribution!

    02/01/2012 1:31 AM

    Maybe it is best to rephrace the question in ‘What virtues do flow forth from God-Power’. They are not necessarily to be associated with, but do flow forth from God Power.
    They are states of Being and the first one (to my awareness) that does flow forth is Self Consciousness — being aware of one Self in the light of God, in the Strenght of God. Being anchored in I AM Consciousness. It is the power to Know oneself and to say I AM. It is the ability to anchor yourself as Above, so below.
    I believe this is the first virtue given to us by God. We simply cannot transcend ourselves if we do not have Self Awareness, Self Consciousness in God. It flows forth very naturally out of God's Power when you are in contact with this Power.

    I didn't see it as a virtue before. I called it Self-awareness, God Reality etc. But now I see it as one of the twelve virtues of God Power.

    02/04/2012 11:47 PM

    What I believe to be a virtue as well is the Courage to Start — or to start all over.
    I experience this too as a state of being born out of God-Power.
    It gives God direction and at the same time it’s very supportive as well.
    As if God is saying:
    'I AM the same yesterday and today and tomorrow.
    And therefore you can build on me — and start all over again, anytime, anyhow'.
    So what's more encouraging to experience than this. To me it feels like a state of God-Dominion that, again, steers the course and sets the sail.

    02/04/2012 11:55 PM

    Greetings to all of you who participate,
    I like to hear from you and Hope to share with you al of our thoughts and reflections.
    I am sure the Virtues will come to the surface as soon you start to give words to that all that is alive within your own connection.


    02/07/2012 2:25 AM

    A virtue born out of God Power to me is taking a stand for. . . . ! To stand for right and righteousness (or other principles). If you choose or feel the urge to do this, you will definitely feel Gods Power flowing through you. And you can feel his confirmation.
    I feel it is one of the highest possible forms to express yourself and to take / or occupy your place in the whole of Gods universe.

    Tune, husband of Jolijt

    02/09/2012 1:48 PM
    The virtues that flow forth through God-power can be identified and experienced in myriad ways. Each of us has our own attunement to them and our way of experiencing them. Jolijt and her husband, Tune, in Holland, have shared aspects of God-power that they are seeing in a new way as virtues: enlightened will, God-direction, attunement, Self-awareness, the courage to start or start over, and righteousness.
    I think of virtues as frequencies of God, vibrations of God, dimensions of God, colors of God, that we can attune to consciously at any moment that they are required in our own life or the lives of others, and even in world events. We can experience them within our beings and can also ray them forth from our hearts, our chakras, towards anyone, anything, any situation.
    I see power is a primordial God-quality, the impetus of God’s energy, nested within our heart flame, along with love and wisdom. Virtues I feel flowing forth in God-power include direction, initiative, effort, persistence, fortitude, majesty, and will.
    During our first class, we discussed power in terms of leadership, and the virtues that we associate with a true leader, or enlightened leadership. Class participants named many virtues – about 25!
    Let us reflect on our initial promptings and refine the list. Can we agree on twelve that best represent our understanding of leadership? Are some of the virtues we mentioned more closely associated with another line on the clock? Our goal is to identify the 144 virtues!
    Here is the full list of the virtues named during the sharing in Class One:
    Humility, courage, passion, integrity, vision, temperance, honesty, strength, approval, praise, discernment, decisiveness, intuition, clarity, receptivity, proactiveness, majesty, commitment, perseverance, caring, authenticity, fatherliness, sincerity, responsibility, altruism.
    What are your thoughts?

    02/12/2012 10:53 AM
    May I express my thoughts (as best as possible)?

    What I feel is that the virtues (the 12 within the 12) can not really be identified in a cognitive or associative way.
    Yes, it can be very helpfull to identify them in terms of leadership and in terms of qualities associated with true leadership or enlightened leadership. But the Virtues themselves to me are states of Being that cannot be identified in a cognitive way. They need to be experienced and they need to be felt.
    (In my own language I call it 'Zijnshoedanigheden', but I don’t no the English word for it: something like spherical awareness? Ways of being?). They unfold themselves naturally everytime you feel empowered by the quality of God-Power.
    Association itself can give some reverance, but there is a far greater reverance within our own heart. For years now I am familiar, when I wish to explore things, to tune into my heart and abide there. In this way my heart is able to use all of my senses to come to a deeper attunement, alignment and inner understanding of the depths of being.
    My impression (meditating on the Magnet of Fire, the gift of beloved Virtue) is that the Virtues are destined to find expression within each one of us in a very authentic, personal way. This has everything to do with the full flowering or blossoming of our souls. Yes, there are the 12 within the 12 to be explored, to come to know, to come to understand. But we as individuals, being present in the Now, enlightened by the Now, are destined to ad our own color, our own variegations, our own authentic tones to it as well.
    We are destined to personalize the Virtues in our own authentic way and ray to the fullest of its potential and our potential.

    This is why I think it is important to also ad music and musical meditations to all classes.

    Below a small poem, inspired by the Magnet of Fire.

    May all that is precious to me ——
    All that is dear to me
    All that is near to me
    Be expressed
    And find expression
    In the Way I AM
    And the Ray I AM

    02/16/2012 2:29 AM
    What I discern as virtues of God-Power:

    ♦ Self Consciousness —
    The conscious awareness of one Self in God or God’s consciousness.
    The power to know yourself as the I AM, as Above so below.

    ♦ The enlightened Will —
    In contact with and enlightened by the I AM.
    Great willingness to serve and able to attune to the need of the Hour.
    Steers the course in an enligthened way.

    ♦ The Courage to start / or start all over —
    Knowing that every beginning is in God.
    And because this is so, it is also always possible to start all over, anytime, anyhow.

    ♦ To stand for . . . . or to take a stand —
    (for example: for right use of energy or other principles that need to be defended.
    The inner power or courage to stand for — in the name I AM — is the Virtue.
    After this you can fill in what is needed or discern the need of the hour.

    ♥ Characteristics:
    - Characteristic to me is that every Virtue in itself has the potential to Embrace the total (spherically).
    - All virtues are profoundly connected with soul expression. Through soul expressivity and soulfullness we become the radiating, emanating virtues ones.

    Arny Hjaltadottir

    02/18/2012 6:44 AM
    Here are some of the virtues I think are pertinent to God Power: Courage, honesty, sincerity, humility, responsibility, commitment, integrity, trustworthy, intuition and gratitude.
    Dee Stewart

    02/19/2012 1:07 PM
    What I sense as a part of the virtues of God Power are as follows:
    Valor (Vigilant)
    As we live and have our being in the "One", situations and circumstances arise; when it becomes necessary to draw from the arsenal of God Power. To believe and trust God (Faith) to have the (Courage)to continue in joy when from an outer perspective your life is in turmoil, to have (Integrity) in your relationships when it seems easier to possibly take advantage of someone's vunerability..and on and on! Everyday and every second of the day, God's virtues are streaming in and around us. We may choose or not to assimilate them within the course of our lives. It is up to each person to decide to "Be or Not to Be"; in God and in his vitures of Power.
    When I think of God Power and its many virtues, I think of King Arthur and the Knights and Ladies of the table round. I see a picture of the most glorious Archangel Michael or I hear Finlandia, I am surrounded by the Blue virtues of Power. As I meditate on the beloved El Morya and all that he represents, his (Honor) Flame keeps me (Constant) and on the path homeward bound.

    02/21/2012 4:19 AM
    ♦ Sensing Eternal Principles and Values —

    The ability to sense and grasp eternal Principles and Values in all kinds of situations and circumstances etc.
    To me it means being able to discern eternal values and principles whereupon things are build or in which they are anchored. Desiring to know this is a lifelong attitude or way of being to me.
    I see the eternal Principles and Values as fundamentals and buildingblocks of God-Power. My sensing it is combined with inner discernment that flows forth from God-Wisdom. I attune myself to it by simply musing upon things. This easily brings a shift of consciousness wherein your attunement grows and expands to greater heights. It often brings me to a greater awareness of the divine Cohesion that is present within and behind everything. And it brings me to Self-Awareness again and again and Cosmic Awareness.

    Maybe I will tell a little more when there is more time to do so.
    sharon longshaw

    02/21/2012 10:45 AM
    The twelve virtues of God Power that came to me are.
    Good Listener
    The virtues that I express through everyday life is confidence and creativity.
    I can speak now without being shy or not knowing what to say to people when it comes to religion.
    I have more confidence and being creative when leading services or decreeing and giving prayers.
