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Last Post 08/27/2012 8:55 PM by  lightson
Week 2 Question: The Entire Cosmos Depends Upon You
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09/05/2011 9:04 AM


    Use your imagination to visualize what life would be like if you suddenly disappeared as did George Bailey in Jimmy Stewart's 1946 classic Christmas Movie "It's a Wonderful Life."


    09/08/2011 9:39 PM
    I require an explanation of this question.
    However in the meantime, when one has offered onesself forever on the Path, some times unexpected demands come and one obeys as best as one can. I do my best not to get too involved with 'attitudes'
    I will take a raincheck on the latter half of the question.
    constance welzel

    09/11/2011 1:53 PM
    Like every soul on earth, I have a mission to fulfill, and its completion improves the lives of all those affected by it. Ultimately, this means that the lives of everyone in the entire Cosmos are touched by my mission in one way or another. If I was to “disappear,” the blessings I have to offer would not materialize in the lives of my family, friends, and those who are influenced by my life's purpose. They would be poorer in their daily lives and in spirit because they would be denied, forever, certain keys which would have helped them in their own spiritual growth and their divine plan, keys which only I am able to offer.

    While I am not perceived as a person who has an obvious talent such as being able to compose music like David Lewis or to sing with the beauty and purity of Hayley Westenra or to write with the power of Canadian author, Ting-xing Ye, I realize it is not my talent which counts but what I do with the skills and virtues I possess. Specifically tailored to me, God has picked these attributes so that I can fulfill my life’s mission. Therefore, I am grateful for my own qualities, and I no longer feel somewhat less than the person who receives significant praise for theirs.

    09/16/2011 1:39 PM
    I can only respond to this question by considering and visualizing that the world is a giant puzzle. There are large pieces, small and medium; the pieces come in a multitude of shapes and there are different colors and images on each piece. If you look at each piece individually it doesn't seem like much; however, when the piece is put in it's proper place, where it fits perfectly, the entire puzzle, the picture that is being constructed comes alive. I see myself as a puzzle piece in this great antakarana puzzle of life.

    Understanding that I am a piece of this glorious puzzle has given me a sense of self worth that I did not always have and yet it keeps me humble knowing I am just a piece of the puzzle, not the whole thing, and I comprehend the puzzle will not be complete without me.

    It is an awesome perspective when you realize that God may require your services as I require and desire His Presence in my life and without His Presence I will never be able to FIT in this great puzzle; SHE is helping to shape and mold me for the great day when I will finally be able to move into that space, my place ordained in the beginning for me. I can see this glorious puzzle and all of the beautiful souls that comprise it's essence.

    T-The Trinity with the Divine Mother
    Cheryl Bench

    09/16/2011 10:48 PM
    Thank you Dee - for the imagery of a great puzzle - and I like your acrostic - it FITS PERFECTLY in our class material for co-creatively imagining a way to surrender our separateness! Blessings of Love and congratulations on your mother's great Victory in the Light. Cheryl

    09/17/2011 10:08 AM
    I happened to see a very funny movie this week called EVAN ALMIGHTY. Evan lives in today's world with his family. He is a newly elected congressman moving his family to Washington D.C. He is praying to God, "I want to change the world". That's it, the whole prayer.

    God appears to him and says he heard his prayer and God also wants to change the world. He tells Evan to build an Ark. He gives Evan the yellow and black book, Ark Building for Dummies! Evan finally believes God and lumber begins to arrive out of nowhere at his new house along with animals, two by two, who follow him everywhere even to his office in Washington. Everyone including his wife, thinks he's lost it. Finally the ark is built. Everyone in town is mocking him. Suddenly a storm arrives, a dam breaks and floods threaten to destroy the town. In the end everyone is saved by Evan's ark. God returns and writes the letters A-R-K in the sand. He tells Evan we can all change the world by Acts of Random Kindness.

    It is a lesson that reminds me that one person with attunement to the Will of God, with faith, courage and obedience can save a dire situation. These are also tests for the chela on the path of initiation. Sometimes you stand alone even amidst the mocking voices and faces of others. As Morya said, if everyone likes you, you are not doing your job for God. We all make a difference. We can be the catalyst for good every day, every minute of our lives with acts of random kindness or taking a stand for the Will of God to act in all situations and use us as his instruments for change like Evan. We are all links in the chain. If one link is broken, the chain falls apart.

    09/17/2011 4:03 PM
    We have all seen how one person having a “bad day” can snowball into putting everyone in a bad mood, and conversely, one person’s laughter can trigger everyone to laugh. We have heard about the actions of one man in Tunisia starting a whole revolution that freed his nation from a tyrannical government and the ripple effect it had in other countries in Africa.

    It makes sense that my actions and thoughts can affect everything around me and also extend to the whole cosmos. Like a drop of food coloring in on a bucket of water there are waves or ripples that emanate out from that point of entry. But as it merges with the larger body it is no longer a separate drop of color, but a part of the collective whole and what that color contained within it will make a difference in the whole. So as I send out my thoughts and feelings, they will affect everyone. My attitudes and actions affect all, either negatively or positively, even though I’m merely a drop in the bucket, so to speak. My prayers and songs, our prayers and songs, radiate out to the cosmos, and have a positive impact, upon which the cosmos depends.

    So with that in mind, the point would be to keep my thoughts, feelings and attitudes focused on the greater picture, that I am responsible for the self as microcosm and well as the macrocosm of cosmos.

    Part 2 answer. Wow, I wish I were George Bailey, but I’m not. I have no idea if anything I’ve done has been a particular blessing to anyone or if I’ve had any sort of positive impact on the people around me. I have a daughter. She’s been the blessing to me.


    Cheryl Bench

    09/17/2011 6:12 PM
    Thanks, Eileen! Very well said. Thanks for sharing your insights...cb

    09/17/2011 9:04 PM
    If I realized the entire cosmos depends on me I would be more aware of the effect on others of my every thought, feeling, word and deed, rather than just the effect on myself and my path. I would be more consistent in my service and more diligent in seeking ways to serve.

    If I suddenly disappeared as did George Bailey, my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren might not have been born. Or if they were born to someone else they may not have been exposed to the teachings of the ascended masters as they have been to some extent just by observing my life and choices. Certain people may not have been freed from the effects of their childhood wounds to the extent that they have, or been aware of God's grace in ways I have helped them see. These are some thoughts that come to mind as I imagine what life would be like. If I imagined further, I could probably come up with a whole story like George Bailey's, as each of us could.
    Carol Daly

    09/17/2011 9:50 PM
    I have always enjoyed that movie and have pondered that very question, if I had never been born then all the people I have touched thru out the years may not be where they are today either. What if I had never found the teachings and had done something else with my life, where would I be today. I always had a feeling on the inner that there were people I needed to meet, I didn't know who or where they were but I paid attention to that feeling and just kept going as I didn't know how or where theses people were or how I would find them. Yet if some of the things that have happened in my life hadn't happened I probably wouldn't be here either. So not only does the cosmos depend on me doing my part it depends on each one of us playing our roles what ever those roles are. I am so grateful for having found the teachings, I am grateful for who I am and I am depending on the cosmos as much as the cosmos is depending on me.

    Miriam Harris

    09/17/2011 10:33 PM
    If I realized the entire cosmos depended on me, I would conduct myself as if I were already a being with the knowledge of how great a power I possess and how great a responsibility I have towards all life. I have thought a lot lately about claiming my God-beingness in the here and now, and imagining I have the attainment of an Ascended Master. So if I knew the entire cosmos depended on me, I would conduct myself constantly with grace, compassion, and realize that my every action affected others. I would have a greater awareness of the power of my actions and release as much love to others as possible. I would realize how small my human self is in comparison to my true nature and let human concerns fall away. Because I would know how powerful I AM, I would be gracious and kind to others, seeking to give them love and understanding to help them on their unique soul journey.

    There was a great presentation at the World Freedom Conference by Hespera Purdin about "How to be a Drama King or Queen" and she talked about how Prince William and Kate Middleton 'played the part' of King and Queen for their wedding in their graceful conduct, in acting respectful, etc. and carrying out their duties with a manner of stateliness that is expected of royalty. I loved the analogy of acting like a King or Queen and carrying out the duties of being in the public and setting a good example for people.

    I love It's a Wonderful Life. George Bailey has to be shown how important his life has been in the lives of others and how he's made the world a better place because he can't see it himself. It shows that none of us fully realize the extent of the effect of our actions on our world. I know there are people and instances that have meant a lot to me that the other person may not realized was important, and I would think perhaps I have affected someone in a way I may not have realized has been important for them. I hope so, anyway! Musing on this question encourages me to find those opportunities to make a difference to a person, my community, finding ways to bring positivity into my environment and really take in the people I interact with daily so that I can bring love and kindness to them.

    To summarize, if I knew the universe depended on me, I know everyone would be watching me to see what I was doing, so I would make sure to be my best Self and be on my best behavior .

    Britt-Marie P

    09/18/2011 3:10 AM
    If the entire cosmos depends on me! I know it does! So as we all go the world goes. If I can be in Prescence, stillness, peace and love, all the time in everything I do, and extend it to the whole world, then I contribute to a peaceful world, and if 100 of us (it is a law!)make this as our goal in life, all wars and conflicts will stop and the world will be victorious, peaceful and full of love and reach a higher step in its evolution. If!!

    If I was not born, my children and grandchildren was not born and my and their contributions to the world would be missing. All divine seeds I have learned, or got from others, I could not have passed on to my family, pupils, customers and friends and it would not have had any influences on their souls. Even my faults would never interacted in any other lives for good or bad. I had not been there to meet those I was promised to meet in this life to resolve our karma or lift up each other. And I had never met you!
    So there had been a hole in the web of life if I or you was not born.
    Britt-Marie Persson
    autumn beauchamp

    09/18/2011 7:41 AM
    Whatever feeling and action i took and felt would comecome out and from Purity out of the Purity. Out of the purity of the God quality and Virtue that was arising and required and so no negative Karma would i make and only light Love and joy and devine dharma would be in my life and and life would benefit by my life. I would be more obedient to God to God within and know the god with in was the same as the God without.I would fallow the Golden rule more truley by loving and staying present in my center and I AM presense Glowing out. The Anger or fire that I sometimes feel would be alinged more fully to Gods Will and I would be in harmony with what arose and yet be focused centered and strong. thankyou autumn
    Jenny Persson

    09/18/2011 9:31 AM
    I find this question very vast and a bit hard to grasp... The only way to understand it is to see that the entire cosmos depends upon each and every one of us, since we are all here for a reason and we all have a mission to fulfill. However, if I don’t do my part, or if I would suddenly disappear, maybe the other life streams that I interact with or are more directly connected to, wouldn´t be able to fully complete their missions either. So for me to play my part is important for everyone. So I would do my best to completely stop judging everyone and everything and embracing life through accepting the present moment and allow everything to be as it is. I would do my best to be in my I AM Presence and commune with the Great White Brotherhood daily and hourly for guidance and support and keep my vision of the kingdom of heaven on earth already manifested here and now. I would work on fully embracing that we are all One and do everything in my power to fulfill my mission on earth and help everyone else to fulfill theirs as well.

    09/19/2011 9:30 PM

    The exact quote is “act as if the entire cosmos depended on you”. I would like to draw attention to the word “act” because without it this statement could be easily misunderstood. I have seen people get fanatical and carried away in the past when a steady balanced approach to the path was needed.
    We are all dependent on each other holding what one could think of as an ecological niche in the fabric of life. When one person accelerates in the light he/she raises up all others tied to his/her heart. As I see it, we are on a team and each of us has a role to play for the whole team to be successful. So in that respect, the whole cosmos (team) depends on us.
    As I contemplated this idea I realized that there is always more that one can do to anchor the light. To start with I am going to try to keep the decrees rolling while driving the car. While making breakfast I can give a few rosaries rather than sing to the cat or listen to the news. Seriously, this question has been on my mind for a week and I am trying to find ways to come up higher by maximizing the quality of each moment.
    The imagination goes a long way when you put it to work for you.

    09/20/2011 8:24 AM
    I like your understanding of this quote Robert. Act is the key of this statement. In her heartstream #6 Clare de Lis said, "Jump into the Sun of Your Presence full-heartedly...Surrender all human ballast that...deters this solo flight into the allness of the Causeless One." She admonishes us to act as if the entire cosmos depended upon us and to accept this level of responsibility. Be Bold! The Masters will then champion us and our collective cause. I liked your idea Robert that we are on a team, and each one of us has a responsibility to uphold the strength and power of our team. Thanks Robert! Pamela

    09/20/2011 8:32 AM
    Dear Britt-Marie I especially liked your statement here that "Even my faults would never interacted in any other lives for good or bad. I had not been there to meet those I was promised to meet in this life to resolve our karma or lift up each other." We are all each others mirrors and rubbing up against each other we polish the pearl of great price that we become. Without relationship, if one of us had not been born, we would miss the experience and opportunity to grow from that interaction. I certainly agree with you! There would have been "a hole in the web of life" which makes me think of the all the missing souls due to abortion. What is our earth missing, who are their twin flames, what are they missing....It is a matter to contemplate and notify others regarding the decision of life that needs to be born in order to fulfill not only their mission but all of ours. Thank you Britt-Marie.

    09/20/2011 5:02 PM
    You expressed it so well--your thoughtful response is very intuned!

    09/21/2011 10:13 AM
    If it did, and it does so depend...
    I would make invocations on a cosmic scale.
    Protect every star, every planet.
    Counter dark forces on galactic levels.
    Visualize Light on galactic levels.

    I would invoke all the powers of the Great Central Sun to descend to this level and counter all opposing the divine plan of this "manvantara", the entire cycle of inbreathing and outbreathing of this cycle of cosmos.

    I would visualize myself as a gigantic being sending rays thru galaxies.

    That is what I would do. And I do.

    09/21/2011 10:17 AM
    Making these images has greatly helped Me expand my mind to greater levels. What can be done with the keyboard can be done with the mind.

    09/22/2011 12:59 PM
    For two weeks I have been thinking about this question and with all the most thoughtful replies written, I am glad that I waited.Robert's clarifying paragraph on the inclusion of the word 'Act' is required to answer with added focus.
    Knowing that we exist in a quantum universe automatically requires the sentient one to be responsible for ones actions. Having ones consciousness raised over a period of time raises ones accountability to not only mankind but includes a resposibility to the Cosmos as well. So the thoughtul or pensive life is an obligation.
    How we handle this is sometimes a day to day issue. Without the Master's assistance in today's world, very difficult. Dee's anology with the piece of the puzzle is humbling.One sets the course and uses the Compass
    of ones I AM Presence.
    Regarding the George Bailey theme. I looked over my life and reviewed how useful I have been and how without this life what would be. Without resorting to the maudlin. I see that I have been a necessary component. I have served as I was able, mankind and my family and, through one daughter, two grandchildren who in their time are capable of high service.I ma grateful that I am able to serve.
    constance welzel

    09/23/2011 6:10 PM
    You have touched on an important point by expressing gratitute for the qualities and attributes that God has given you in this life and making the most of them. Like Abe Lincoln says, God must like common people because he made so many of us. Whatever our service, if it is rendered in a spirit of love, anchors the light in ways that we cannot imagine. Look at the people we know who have ascended. There are many more whose name we won't know till "later". My point is that most of those who have ascended are just hard working, selfless, loving and kind people who seek no particular recognition. Think of Lady Christine or Clifford Merrill the gardener. The heart is what counts.

    09/23/2011 6:16 PM
    Your comments have made a positive impact on me and now I can pay it forward.
    Don't sell yourself short, I am sure you have blessed many along lifes way.

    09/23/2011 6:24 PM
    You said: "I would realize how small my human self is in comparison to my true nature and let human concerns fall away." I wanted to lift this out because it is a profound statement and a great reminder. We need to focus more on our true nature and its grandness.
    Joyce Genis

    09/25/2011 9:27 AM
    One morning I was pondering the question about how the entire cosmos depends on me and I looked down at a catalog on my counter and advertised on the cover was an ornament that said this: "I am fairly certain that given a cape and a nice tiara, I could save the world." And under the picture it said "I could save the world ornament, see page 33." Then at our next class the master talked about how the number 33 would be popping up synchronistically in our lives. So what I thought about this is we all have been given capes and tiaras and many other gifts by the masters and of course we can save the world! I have complete belief that the entire cosmos depends on me--all that I do in a microcosmic way is reflected in the macrocosm. I feel very connected and "one" with all that is around me, my family, my state, my nation, my planet and the entire universe. Each step forward that I make on the path of initiation is a step forward for all. Lately as I walk around, for instance at a store, I've been thinking about how I am connected to each person around me, how we are all one and I work at consciously remembering to send out light and make a heart connection to all. Joyce

    10/01/2011 5:40 PM
    My attitude would change if the entire cosmos depended on me, . . . I’d be Sirius! Behaviorally, I would change too, I’d behave!!!

    If I were never born, my younger brother wouldn’t have had anyone to beat up on. He’d be disappointed. My sister would have make-up without my initials carved into it. My parents would have saved money on car insurance. Later in life, customers at the Ranch Kitchen would have gotten their food faster- with the ketchup. The babies from MI would not have gone home from school with lipstick kisses on their heads. Joe would be lonely. Caitlyn wouldn’t have a LaLa to be silly with. (Lala is my grandmother name.)

    If I were not born the angels may have just a few less prayers to use in their work. I’d feel sad about that.
    Ronald and Dwinn

    10/05/2011 9:13 PM
    Yes, I have often thought about that situation of how not only myself but everyone being absolutely necessary in the lives of all that one encounters on the path. We all carry a unique light and are all each other's teachers and students. And to think that as we increase our light, we automatically increase all others. It's amazing to realize. It's one of the laws of the hologram. We are all connected. One part affects every other part.
    Ronald Dubrawsky

    10/06/2011 7:34 PM
    As I was pondering on how to answer this question my husband called and asked me to jump in my car and bring him something he needed urgently. Had I not heard and answered the phone I would not have been able to help him. So to look this question another way, if I had not developed and raised my consciousness to become aware that my purpose in life is to Serve, then I would not have heard the calls from the Brotherhood with their directives for world service, and many souls would not have benifited from the calls I have given. That's sort of like not being here.
    Ronald and Dwinn

    10/08/2011 6:11 PM
    With the understanding the entire cosmos depends upon me I realize my attitudes and behavior influence the entire cosmos. I am aware of a great responsibility in holding harmony in my four lower bodies. The goal is always conscious heart-mind choices. I am experiencing greater percentages expressed in my life day by day and it is continually growing through conscious effort. One of the blessings I have experienced in times of challenge during our class is giving a mantra-song Om Guru Ma x4 I Am That I Am x4
    with a pleasant rythm that brings amazing upliftment, peace, joy and clarity.
    If I disappeared my beloved family may not be blessing the world as they do. Some souls may not have been assisted to the heaven world after their transition. The elementals may be more burdened and my contribution to the blessing of this planet would be missed.

    Dwinn Dubrawsky

    10/08/2011 10:07 PM
    Because we are all individual Spirit Sparks and there is no one identical to us - we each must do our part to fulfill our mission or life's work. If we do not do our part there will be a missing piece. The Masters rely on us to be responsible and accountable to constantly do our part. It is kind of like - Many hands make LIGHT WORK!
    In imagining what life would be like if I suddenly disappeared - I am encouraged to be more proactive in responding to my inner promptings as I feel every day counts towards the progression of my life's work and towards my graduation or Ascension.

    10/08/2011 10:13 PM
    Madelyn I can identify with - your sort of like not being here - as I sometimes find that I can be present physically and yet not really HEAR those close to me who may be trying to communicate. I agree that this can be us also when it comes to the Masters trying to get their messages through to us. Thanks for your comments and insights!

    10/08/2011 10:23 PM
    Rebeese - I appreciate your way with words and the profoundness of your messages and I agree with your point saying "The heart is what counts" It took me twenty years to find the Hearts Center and I am so grateful to be a part of it and for each revelation with regards to the upgrading of my HEART HEALTH.
    Carol Daly

    07/15/2012 6:44 PM
    I work in a Psychiatric setting and I have seen how a person with a borderline personality disorder can stir up the entire unit, it has a domino effect on everyone else. So it is up to me to keep my harmony, not get involved in the drama so that the balance will return and peace can be restored. I am there to not only balance karma but to be a teacher, and inspire others.
    A wonderful life is one of my favorite movies, I have thought about this at times and realize that if I had died in my 30's as I had a near death experience so I am grateful to be here and my children would not be who they are today. when I was training to be an LVN way back when, one of my co-workers was so inspired that she went back to school and got her LVN, 10 years later I went back and got my RN and that was truly a gift from GOD. Each program was challenging, I needed to complete these so I can fulfill my destiny as it has to do with healing.

    07/28/2012 5:00 PM
    The premise that the entire cosmos depends upon me brings new
    realizations into my world. My first realization is knowing
    a shift wholly within my being as the full acceptance of being God, not as the doer, only as His vessel fully attuned
    as His channel in service to the cosmos. All life as one with the cosmos becomes my responsibility.

    My attitude becomes one of full attunment to the heart of God
    guided and directed by my higher self.

    Harmony, as the key to being in Presence, therefore demands
    my total harmony within every, cell atom and electron of the
    self. In Presence all directives flow into the heart for
    release into all situations.

    Pettiness and trivialities lose their hold and the expanse
    of a cosmos rises. My focus rises to higher realities and
    worlds where angels, masters, beings of light etc are
    directing, and a new realization takes hold of a new attitude
    of caring and service to all life.

    Full surrender to the mysteries of the Cosmos comes forth.
    Faith in every particle of life from a grain of sand to
    universes fully regulated and dependent upon all as one in God, continue their hum of the creation of all life.

    My behaviour shifts into taking full responsibility
    for my world and all who are a part therof.

    07/29/2012 12:12 PM
    I realize that the world depends on me to some extent, therefore I work extra for Meru University and extend myself to others. If I truly realized this, I would meditate more, pray more, teach more, fast more for greater attunement. I would prepare more for food shortages by freezing and dehydrating food from my garden. I would make every moment and every cent count. Nancy
    Nancy Freaner

    08/07/2012 1:17 PM
    To get credit for this, please contact MURegistrar and let me know who you are. Nancy
    Nancy Freaner

    08/07/2012 1:22 PM
    Dear Mikali, To get credit for this, please contact MURegistrar and let me know who you are. Nancy
    Nancy Freaner

    08/11/2012 9:28 AM
    To some extent I do realize that the "Entire Cosmos depends on me", yet I don't always act to the full all that I would feel was appropriate for that reality.
    I watch my thoughts and feelings and work to transmute them higher. I work to listen closely to others and bring in in conversation with them truths that I feel they are able to hear and possibly incorporate into their lives. I work to be a co-worker with the Divine Plan and, as stated in ch 17 of Elisabeth Haich's book, "initiation", I work to overcome "personal feelings and considering anything from my own standpoint", so that i do not use the "powers of a co-worker for my own personal ends." I try to "put an end to my imperfections... and have to be constantly on my guard to not do a single thing in contradiction to the eternal laws of life." All this requires a high level of vigilance which I do not always maintain, and I do forget myself at times ...

    If I suddenly disappeared, I know many people would give thanks for the influence I have had on them in this life. Some might still feel hurt from negative interactions with me in the past, and I hope they would be able to forgive me. No-one would be totally heart-broken, fortunately, as no-one absolutely needs me. I would be remembered mainly through my books and teachings which would continue to inspire and guide people into the future...

    08/13/2012 12:28 PM
    As I accept the truth that the entire Cosmos depends on me, I become more aware of the angels all around me taking notes on what I think, do and say . I am able to overcome all feelings of worthlessness, that I can become Super Woman at any moment of the day and act with positive energy to achieve all small steps to reach my short and long term goals. I realize that I am not alone and all life is at my side cheering me on! And I with them!
    If I were suddenly to disappear, many might be less motivated, less inspired, and would miss the level of love I give to them. The spaces of love that I have created would not exist, the examples of freedom, justice, self-respect, independence, courage, wisdom that I have displayed would not be known to those who have witnessed them. The hospitality I have given to many friends would not be felt by the cosmos. I have given much light with pure intention, freely giving for all to experience. The peace and harmony I have released into the physical has given many the ability to remain calm when the storms of life are manifesting. So It is a wonderful life and I am grateful for all the challenges I have turned into opportunities! And last but not least, I am here to hold the New Madrid Fault stable in the Mississippi River valley!

    08/27/2012 8:55 PM
    Wow, Mikali, I am so glad you are so visual. great ideation.
    That helped me to figure out how to respond to this difficult
    question. Since I too do some visualization with some decrees, I resonate with the idea suggested some time ago that imagination is key to how we affect others by our decrees.

    To be harmonious is absolutely instrumental to interacting with cosmos, as the greater power we wield, the greater the
    outcome in alignment with intent and heartflow. so, likewise,
    if I did not consciously consider that what I do, say, think, act out, have an immediate affect on some part of life. if I
    said , aw shuck it and selfishly did whatever pleases my lower
    human self, it wouldn't be long before I noticed something was
    amiss. surely I would immediately correct whatever was out of
    alignment and ask for forgiveness, and be more attentive to
    whatever my thoughts and feelings, since thought plus feeling
    comprises action.

    myself as George Bailey? good heavens I would ever find myself in such a sorry state of heart and mind, and be quite
    beside myself in trying to do whatever it took to make amends.
    we should be ever so grateful to have a Clarence looking out for us, and we do, many guises of angels and masters. I realize that this is why the masters are so diligently trying
    to encourage us to rise up higher. to stay stuck in a rut would cheat us of opportunities, of gift packages galore that
    heaven heaps upon us, that we may in our childlike joy leap to commit cosmic acts of divine love, to simply love as a child loves little animals, pretty flowers, funny jokes, and
    silly word games.

    likewise, others untold would be bereft of the divine emanations of our beings through our selfless acts of charity and kindness. what we don't say or do because we
    are not there for someone in crisis makes a world of difference to that someone, and who knows who else would be
    affected by our absence? still, there is that one thing
    which we cannot escape, the need for us to rise to make our ascension, which is the ultimate gift which we can individually make for the world and for cosmos. heaven is
    depending on us and cheering us on through thick and thin to
    make this happen. they want to rise too, to accomplish more
    themselves, because they know all too well the price for
    dillydallying in human foolishness. and I don't want to disappoint them!
