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Last Post 10/26/2014 3:19 PM by  Cathleen
Essay Question
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Sun Disc

09/04/2014 5:05 AM


    Describe how this led to the twilight of the Gods and to the dawn of imaginative reawakening by the Solar Hierarchy.

    10/26/2014 3:19 PM
    Before this course, I would rather not acknowledge descending anywhere! Now, I will admit that we may have gained a better understanding of this physical plane by our descent out of the etheric into matter.

    Before this descent into the intellectualized matter plane, we were living in a somewhat higher dimension. We were more “One with God” because we had never left, at least in our consciousness. We were part of the myth that we remembered. Then the time came for us to “grow up” and go it alone, somewhat as adolescent humans do. That is, we had to separate out from our God-parents and find our own individualized way. In some ways, our “own way” could have been rebellious, and yet we were allowed to develop own unique talents and gifts and thus add another facet of God’s consciousness to the great, encompassing All One being in whom we are always a part.

    This descending period was a twilight because we were “caught” in between worlds. And now as we are emerging, we find a development of the imaginative mind reawakening. That is, we are able to call upon older memories of our time closer to God, and meld and weave this into our own design. As we remember and simultaneously create our own reality, we are utilizing the divine remembrance and re-awakening our imaginative thinking as taught by the Solar Hierarchy.

    As another student, Robert, said, light-bearers intuitively seek this return to the Source, a feeling of longing in their hearts that cannot be filled by material, outer, superficial things. This feeling can be expressed in many ways, continuing until one’s feet are grounded firmly on the Path and the soul begins to awaken.

    This is a complicated process and it has taken many millennium to accomplish, and we are still at the beginning stages of some of this. The future is bright with hope of more imaginative thinking. This hopeful future can be seen in our incoming children, the indigo, crystal and super-sensitive that some call autistic. God bless our children for they are the hope of our civilization going forward into a fuller understanding and manifestation of the Christic/ Buddhic materialized imaginative thinking that will “lighten up” this intellectualized material plane.
